New Technology in Lameness Diagnosis

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Wireless inertial sensor-based technology is at the forefront of lameness evaluation research today, and we are excited to now be incorporating this cutting edge diagnostic tool into our lameness examinations! The Equinosis Lameness Locator is the result of over twenty years of gait analysis research, and it allows objective quantification of lameness during a routine clinical exam.

lameness Locator equine vet veterinarian doctor Calgary Cochrane Alberta

There are many reasons why objective lameness evaluation is advantageous for both horses and horse owners. The sensors are able to sample up to 20x faster than the human eye, which allows the system to pick up on subtle assymmetries that would otherwise be missed. Multiple limb lamenesses or assymmetric movements in other limbs that are compensatory for the primary lameness can also complicate what the veterinarian sees, and are more easily distinguished with objective evaluation.  The final analysis by the sensors correlates well to subjective exams, and has been proven to identify lameness of a lesser severity when compared to the consensus of subjective evaluation by experienced veterinarians.

The objective nature of the assessment allows subtle lamenesses to be effectively blocked out with diagnostic analgesia (joint or nerve blocks), and allows the veterinarian to better decide without bias whether the lameness has been localized. It also allows objective comparison of improvement at recheck evaluations after treatment or during rehabilitation.

The system itself is quick, simple to apply, and noninvasive. At the beginning of the exam, three sensors are placed on the horse: one on the horse's head, another on the center of the pelvis, and a third on the right front pastern.  These sensors send data to a tablet computer for immediate analysis, and supply a one page report that summarizes the difference in head and pelvic movements that correspond to lameness in a certain limb.

lameness Locator equine vet veterinarian doctor Calgary Cochrane Alberta

With the addition of this new system into our lameness exams at Burwash Equine, it will enable us to offer you state of the art technology in lameness diagnosis. Stay tuned for more information!


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