January 20, 2025
We have a very exciting announcement for our reproduction clients! One of our wonderful veterinarians, Dr. Sarah Thomas, is thrilled to be officially taking the reins of our reproduction program. She graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and completed an additional year-long internship here at Burwash Equine Services. We were very pleased to hire her on as a full time associate veterinarian in the summer of 2023. Dr. Thomas has been honing her skills this fall by training multiple stallions to the phantom and freezing semen, and is looking forward to a successful breeding season!
Dr. Thomas is taking the lead for our reproduction program
January 12, 2025
January 11 and 12 brought thirty vet students and thirty vet tech students from across Canada to Burwash for a weekend of hands on learning and highlighting the positives of a career in equine practice. There were 38 veterinary practices and 19 industry sponsors involved in funding all travel and costs for the students to attend this conference. We are very proud to organize this annual conference to show students everything we love about our industry!
Burwash hosted the second annual Spotlight: Equine Vet Practice in Canada
November 23, 2024
Burwash at Cochrane Light Up
We are serving hot chocolate at the Cochrane Light Up tonight - come visit our booth!
October 30, 2024
Thank you so much to everyone who came out for our Fall Seminar and to all our amazing sponsors! We had a great evening of education and conversation, and we are looking forward to another fantastic seminar next fall!
Fall Seminar
October 1, 2024
You're invited! Burwash Equine Services is hosting our fall seminar with guest speaker Dr. Doug Myers from Boehringer-Ingelheim on October 28th. We will also be offering behind-the-scenes clinic tours prior to the lectures. Tours will start at 5:30pm followed by lectures at 6:30pm. Grab a coffee, enter our door prize draw, chat with our vendors and enjoy an educational evening!
Upcoming Fall Seminar
Sept 1, 2024
Dr. Lee had the most fun this weekend, teaching ultrasound and chatting with over 300 third year vet students from across North America in Lexington, Kentucky at OEPS (Opportunities in Equine Practice Seminar). So happy we get to be a part of shaping the future of this industry!
Opportunities in Equine Practice 2024
Aug 15, 2024
We know many of you have been waiting to see a photo of this little one - Dr. Katy White and her husband Colby welcomed baby Finn White Whelan on June 19. Congratulations Dr. White!
Baby Announcement!
June 18, 2024
We are so excited to have our Regenerative Laser at the Canadian Sport Horse Symposium and the Rocky Mountain Show Jumping Classic 2024! Come check out our booth, say hello, and learn more about how this technology can be used to enhance and treat our equine athletes!
RLT at the Canadian Sport Horse Symposium
February 12, 2024
Burwash Equine Services hosted their annual Teddy Bear Surgery event from 10am- noon of February 10th. Families were invited to drop by with their kids and their stuffed animals.
Teddy Bear Surgery
January 31, 2024
Burwash Equine Services (Burwash Equine) recently hosted 60 veterinary students and vet tech students from across Canada and an event appropriately called Spotlight: Equine Vet Practice in Canada (Spotlight), and industry-leading weekend conference that highlights the positives of a career in Equine medicine.
Spotlight: Equine Vet Practice in Canada
September 1, 2023
September 21-22, 2023
Podiatry CE Seminar and Wetlabs, Special guest, Dr. Sammy Pittman, of Innovative Equine Podiatry in Collinsville, TX
Upcoming Podiatry CE Seminar and Wetlabs
September 30, 2022
We are pleased to announce that our annual fall seminar is back for 2022! Please join us for an evening of information, discussion, and door prizes!
2022 Fall Seminar
January 25, 2022
We are so pleased to Welcome Nora to the Burwash Family! Congratulations to Crystal and Matt Lee.
Baby Announcement!
September 14, 2021
Join us on October 25, 2021. Everyone is invited! There is no cost to attend; we ask that you bring a donation to the Calgary Food Bank
Fall Seminar 2021
October 22, 2020
A huge congratulations to Kirby and Cody. Welcome to the Burwash Family, Kaycee!
Baby Announcement!
October 9, 2019
Everyone is invited to attend! Join us on November 18th at Westlife Church in Springbank. There is no cost to attend; we ask that you bring a donation for the Calgary Food Bank.
2019 Fall Seminar
October 8, 2019
This lecture series is for anyone from experienced breeders to those of you who are thinking of trying it out for the first time. Please bring with you any questions or concerns that you might have!
Winter Lecture Series
October 1, 2019
You’re invited! Saturday October 5, 2019 at 7pm.
Burwash has had an amazing first year of operation in our new facility. To give back, we want to invite you to enjoy a night of live music and auction. All of the proceeds will go towards our new Community fund- an initiative we are hoping will be able to aid our less fortunate clients in times of need, when the cost of surgery and treatments are a touch out of reach.
Fall Barn Dance
March 4, 2019
Please join us in welcoming Andrea Catherine Lee to the Burwash Equine Family! She was born February 4th to Dr. Lee and husband Matthew, and is currently available for surgical consults ;)
Baby Announcement!
January 19, 2019
All too often, young people are the first responders to equine veterinary issues. TO help educate and empower youth to make good decisions during equine emergencies, we have developed Private Group Tours which are ideal for pony clubs, 4H, young riders and Green Certificate Participants.
Education is key to making the right call for managing common emergencies. These tours will include information on lameness, cuts/lacerations, choke, eye injuries and colic.
Private Group Tours for Youth- 2019 Only
December 21, 2018
We are hosting the “Form and Function” seminar series in partnership with Vitality Equine over the 2018/2019 winter season. Brigitte Meyer of Vitality Equine is speaking about the various aspects of movement and musculoskeletal intricacies that affect the different equine disciplines. There is limited space for each seminar.
Vitality Equine Seminars
September 19, 2019
We are all settled into our new equine veterinary hospital and would love for you all to come have a behind the scenes look. We know you are going to love it as much as we do!
The open house will run from 12pm to 3pm during which time we will be hosting tours, giving out prizes, playing games and providing some demos of our new gadgets and some of our old faves. We’ll have complimentary hotdogs, hamburgers and drinks. Kiddos are welcome during the open house and can enjoy some games and face painting!
From 8pm to 12am, we’d love for you to join us for an evening of celebration as we dust off our boots and welcome TC and Company to help us kick up our heels and inaugurate the new hospital! There will be some refreshments available, but BYOB is appreciated to make sure we all have a roaring good time! No minors at the dance, please.
Grand Opening Celebration and Dance
August 10, 2018
We are moving to our new clinic building just south of Cochrane this weekend and will start seeing appointments at that location on Monday August 13th! We are incredibly excited to finally be in the building and be able to offer expanded services, including full surgical services and isolation capabilities. Come check it out! Stay tuned for when the Grand opening will happen…
New Clinic Move
December 2, 2017
Dr. Kirby Penttila and husband, Cody Bellows, are pleased to announce the newest addition to the Burwash Family, Hudson Alexander Bellows, born November 13, 2017. He had his first few visits at the clinic this week to consult on some podiatry so they expect him to be fully up to speed in no time!
Baby Announcement!
December 2, 2017
Dr. Kirby Penttila introduces the seminar, the staff, and gives and exciting update on what our new clinic will look like!
Fall Seminar 2017- Intro and New Clinic Updates
December 2, 2017
Dr. Ben Reed gives an update on disease and vaccinations in western Canada
Fall Seminar 2017- Infectious Disease Bulletin
September 22, 2017
Drs. Kirby Penttila, Alyssa Butters, Crystal Lee, Lindsay Rogers, Wayne Burwash and staff invite you, your family and friends to join us for an evening of information and discussion!
2017 Fall Seminar
August 25, 2017
We are thrilled to announce that work started this week on our long anticipated new clinic location! We’d like to say a special thank you to Integrity Post Structures for their hard work on this project. Keep an eye out for email updates, follow us on social media, and have a look as you’re driving by on highway 22 south of Cochrane- this autumn and winter should be pretty exciting!!
Breaking Ground!
August 10, 2017
Dr. Rogers and Dr. Semper are giving a Horse Health Workshop out at the Ghost River Fire Hall on August 22, in association with the MD of Bighorn. Come check it out! RSVPs are needed by AUgust 15th.
Horse Health Workshop in the MD of Bighorn
February 16, 2017
Dr. Kirby Penttila and Dr. Crystal Lee would like to announce the start of their partnership as Crystal joins the management team in 2017. Their vision for Burwash Equine Services is to deliver complete and compassionate horse health care by providing exceptional diagnostics and personalized care with honesty and integrity. 2017 is already off to an exciting start and they are looking forward to more excitement to come!
Stay tuned!
Partner Announcement!
October 19, 2016
Drs. Kirby Penttila, Alyssa Butters, Crystal Lee, Lindsay Rogers, Wayne Burwash and staff invite you, your family and friends to join us for an evening of information and discussion! Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 7:00pm.
2016 Fall Seminar
January 13, 2016
We are looking forward to attending the Annual Alberta Horse Conference in Red Deer this coming weekend! If you’ve never bee, it is an excellent educational opportunity. Check out the speakers and topics for this year on their website and be sure to come visit our booth between sessions to say hi!
Annual Alberta Horse Conference
October 30, 2015
Please join us for an evening discussion!
2015 Fall Seminar
February 16, 2015
Please join us for the evening as we give an overview of what to expect during a typical lameness examination. We’ll demonstrate instrumenting a horse and collecting data with the wireless inertial sensor-base lameness evaluation technology (Equinosis Lameness Locator), discuss the advantages of objective lameness evaluation, and summarize further imaging techniques that are available.
Focus on Lameness Evaluation
February 10, 2015
Wireless inertial sensor-based technology is at the forefront of lameness evalution research today and we are excited to now be incorporating this cutting edge diagnostic tool into our lameness examinations! The Equinosis Lameness Locator is the result of over twenty years of gait analysis research, and it allows objective quantification of lameness during a routine clinical exam.
New Technology in Lameness Diagnosis
October 6, 2014
Important regulations for horses returning from USA States that have positive cases on “piroplasmosis” and/or “vesicular stomatitis”
Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado- effective July 2014
Travel Regulations Advisory
October 5, 2014
Please join us for an evening of information and discussion. Monday October 20, 2014 at 7:00pm.
Common Conditions of the Equine Eye: Dr. Crystal Lee will give an overview of the most common ophthalmic diseases we see in horses, what to expect in an ophthalmic exam, and how to deterimine if your horse’s condition is an emergency.
An introduction to the World of Reproduction: Dr. Brettly Battistone will cover what you need to know to make the best decisions for your mare and future foal.
Admission is a donation to the Food Bank (cash donations welcome; tax receipts available)
2014 Fall Seminar
April 28, 2014
The Shannon Burwash Memorial Award for Equine and Agricultural Studies
Calgary, AB- Dr. Wayne Burwash is pleased to announce the launch of the Shannon Burwash Memorial Award for Equine and Agricultural Studies at The Calgary Foundation.
Established to honor the legacy of Shannon’s love for the horse and her contribution to the horse industry, the award will benefit Canadian post-secondary students in any filed of study, with a preference for those pursuing agriculture, agri-business, or equine-oriented studies.
November 14, 2013
Today’s the day! Join us at the Westlife Church in Springbank for our annual Fall Seminar! Tonight’s main topic is Dentistry. The doors open at 6:30 and admission is a donation to the Food Bank. Everyone is welcome! Will we see you there?
Fall Seminar 2013
November 20, 2012
Our Fall Seminar was a great success…over 100 attended and 5 large boxes of food (300lbs) and $515 in cash donations for the Food Bank. It is certainly a win win for us all! Thank you to all those attending as well as the wonderful representation we had from our drug and pharmaceutical companies.