Regenerative Laser Therapy (RLT) is a safe, non-invasive treatment method that involves administration of short, high-energy light pulses that penetrate deep into tissues creating a photo-acoustic wave that propagates into deeper tissues. These waves interact with the cells in soft tissues and stimulate the release of growth factors that would have not been released naturally. This has been shown to regenerate tissue, re-align fibers, reduce scar tissue and provide comfort to horses.
While not all laser therapy is created equal, the RLT offered by Burwash Equine Services is backed by peer-reviewed science to validate its use in improving healing in cases of wounds, tendon and ligament injuries, and general soft tissue inflammation as seen in horses with back & pelvic pain. For chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, RLT can improve range of motion and stiffness. In contrast to shock wave therapy, regenerative laser therapy generally does not require sedation and is well tolerated by the horse.