Valued discussions with our team from wherever you are in your day

Dentistry, Wellness, Deworming, Vaccines Kirby Penttila Dentistry, Wellness, Deworming, Vaccines Kirby Penttila

Proactive Winter Horse/Donkey/Mule Care

Winter in this country is a beast. As I write this, we are into our 4th blast of snowy and cold weather already this fall (did I count right?), and it seems that winter is already well on its way to settling in. So a blogpost about proactive winter horse care may already seem a little past tense, but if you’re like me and living in denial that summer is already well past and fall quickly disappearing, you will have a few horse health care items to check off your list!

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Medicine, Wellness Kirby Penttila Medicine, Wellness Kirby Penttila

Understanding PPID

Many people have heard of PPID or Equine Cushing’s Disease, but it can be a difficult disease to fully understand. By reading this blog post you can better understand what PPID means, how PPID presents clinically, how we can diagnose PPID, and what we can do to manage our PPID patients.

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Wellness Kirby Penttila Wellness Kirby Penttila

Sorting Through Supplements - how to tell if the supplement is worth buying

The world of equine feed supplements can be confusing and overwhelming. The shelves of any tack or feed store are lined with as many different supplements as there are breeds of horses and it often seems like the cost for the “same” supplement can vary greatly. So how do you know you are buying the supplement you actually want? And do you really “get what you pay for” in the world of horse supplements?

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Wellness Kirby Penttila Wellness Kirby Penttila

Fall Seminar 2016 - Senior Horses - A Focus on the Care and Quality of Life of Older Horses

Dr. Lindsay Rogers discusses topics of importance to the care of senior horses, including weight control and feeding, winter care, herd and housing management, and diseases that are more common in geriatric horses. She offers advice on monitoring and optimizing the quality of life for individual older horses, with lots of awesome examples from her own eccentric herd of equine seniors.

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Wellness Kirby Penttila Wellness Kirby Penttila

Saying Goodbye: a discussion about euthanasia

Euthanasia is a term that comes from the Greek language and translated into English means “good death.”  The most common method of euthanasia is via a lethal injection of a barbituate drug, but other methods may also produce a “good death.”  There are many reasons for an owner to choose euthanasia and the decision to euthanize a horse is often a difficult and deeply personal for the owner.

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